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Ziflow Viewer
24 articles
Using the Ziflow ViewerUnderstanding tools within the Ziflow Viewer will allow users to navigate the online collaboration review and approval process easily.
Comment & Markup Actions in Ziflow ViewerMarkup and comment tools are an essential part of online collaboration. They are used to highlight areas of an asset that need attention
Text Annotation Tool in the Ziflow ViewerThis tool allows to markup words or sentences on the asset, so there's no mistake identifying precisely what needs to be changed.
Comparing Versions in the Ziflow ViewerUse various tools to compare proof versions. These are used to verify that all changes have been applied to the new version.
Submit a Decision or Finish a Review in the Ziflow ViewerDepending on proof permissions, reviewers will agree on the review either by completing the review or making a decision.
Electronic signaturesUser reviewers will need to sign their decisions using an electronic signature. Enterprise edition only.
Video & Audio Proofs in the Ziflow ViewerEnable your reviewers to quickly and seamlessly comment, markup, and annotate video & audio proofs.
Color Separations in Ziflow ViewerCheck asset color separation when reviewing proofs in the Ziflow Viewer.
Single, Continuous & Magazine Layout in the Ziflow ViewerUse different proof layouts to display assets most conveniently.
Unread CommentsEasily surface new feedback with Ziflow's unread comments.
Exporting Comments in ZiflowOne-click download of all comments and markups.
Find Text in the Ziflow ViewerEasily search an entire asset for single words or whole sentences
Label and Resolve Comments in the Ziflow ViewerZiflow reviewers can label & resolve comments to indicate an action that needs to be taken or the status of a comment.
Collaborate with ZiflowAIIntroducing Ziflow's AI Review Assistant: Revolutionizing creative review with AI. Enhance creativity and speed up the process.
Filter Comments & Settings in the Ziflow ViewerSort comments and filter based on reviewer stage, text, and labels making managing comments a cinch.
Adjusting Ziflow Viewer SettingsEach reviewer can adjust the settings, such as comment layout, comment pins, compare mode defaults, and dark mode theme.
Using a Measurement Tool in the Ziflow ViewerThe measurement tool is helpful for various reasons, such as checking page size, bleed size, or perhaps the size of an object on the asset.
Creative collaboration on mobile devices in the Ziflow ViewerLearn how to review assets in Ziflow using any mobile device.
Ziflow Viewer Keyboard ShortcutsSet of most handy keyboard shortcuts while working inside the Ziflow Viewer.
Folders in the Ziflow ViewerThis feature allows reviewers to quickly switch between assets residing in the same folder within the Ziflow Viewer.
Next Proof to Review in the Ziflow ViewerReviewers will be presented with remaining assets to review after working on a currently viewed project.
Changing Notification Preferences in the Ziflow ViewerNot all reviewers need the same amount of notifications. With Ziflow Viewer settings, reviewers may adjust their preferences accordingly.
Using @mentions when commenting in the Ziflow ViewerCollaborate effortlessly with other reviewers by using @mentions to tag a particular reviewer(s) to comments.
Comment Reactions in Ziflow ViewerReact to comments and express Yourself with Ziflow's new Comment Reactions.