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Unread Comments

Easily surface new feedback with Ziflow's unread comments.

Updated over a week ago

Summary: Any unread comments or replies will be highlighted when opening an asset in the Ziflow Viewer. This is a big timesaver for reviewers who are managing and reviewing multiple assets. It also ensures that you will not miss any new feedback.

Available for: All editions.

Unread comments in the Ziflow Viewer

How Does It Work?

When opening an asset in the Ziflow Viewer, the number of unread comments will be displayed above the comments list.

Unread comments indicator in the Ziflow Viewer

A comment will automatically be marked as read when opening and viewing the comment and all its replies.

If new replies are added by other reviewers, the comment will automatically be marked as unread.

Reviewers can also mark a comment thread or specific replies as unread. To do this, open the comment or reply, click on the ellipse to open the comment tools, and select “Mark as an unread”.

Mark as unread comment button in the Ziflow Viewer


Reviewers can also filter the comments list to show only unread comments. You will find this new option under the “Other filters”.

Unread comments filter inside the Ziflow Viewer comment settings

Additional information:

  • Unread comments are available only for proofs and versions created after the feature release date, which is the 16th of March 2022.

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