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Using the Ziflow Viewer

Understanding tools within the Ziflow Viewer will allow users to navigate the online collaboration review and approval process easily.

Updated over a week ago

Summary: Ziflow Viewer is the main part of Ziflow. It allows reviewers to review and submit decisions for uploaded proofs. Various built-in features will allow proof reviewers to assess creatives, leave feedback & make decisions. This document is a great starting point for any reviewers who were invited to collaborate on a proofing project in Ziflow.

Available for: Ziflow Proof Viewer is available for each reviewer invited to the proof. There are no limitations; simply click on a proof invitation and start collaborating with others on the project.

Reviewers may or may not see certain buttons depending on the proof permissions they have been granted.

How does it work?

Ziflow Viewer tools overview

Proof Viewer menu

1. Proof Viewer menu

Click to display the Proof Viewer menu. From the layout, you can follow various actions, such as:

You may also pin the menu by pressing the Pin menu button and the bottom of the menu window.

Versions dropdown

2. Proof version selector

From this dropdown, you can switch between available proof versions. Please note that you need to be invited to the specific proof version in order to see it.

Users with appropriate rights are also allowed to create new proof versions from this place.

Versions dropdown in Ziflow Viewer

3. Compare mode

Click to enter comparison mode.

See “Comparing Proof Versions in Proof Viewer” for more details.

4. Share

Share button that allows adding new reviewers to proof or copy a public link that can be shared with others.

User avatar of reviewer currently viewing the asset

5. User Avatar

Hover over to see a username and email address.

Page thumbnails in Ziflow Viewer

6. Page thumbnails

Click to reveal or hide the page thumbnails (only displays on proofs that have more than one page or multiple files in a proof).

Ziflow Viewer document layouts

7. Single, Continous & Magazine layout

Switch between different document layouts.

Read more about this feature here: Continuous page view & Magazine layout

Text search button in Ziflow Viewer

8. Text Search

When a spelling mistake is made, it’s possible to occur in multiple places on a proof. With the “Text Search” feature, reviewers will be able to look for the same words or sentences throughout the whole text.

Page navigator

9. Page Navigator

Scroll through the pages by clicking on the next or previous pages.

Zoom level buttons in Ziflow Viewer

10. Increase / Decrease zoom level buttons and zoom level dropdown menu.

You can zoom in/out using the + and - buttons.

On the right-hand side, a popup menu allows you to pick a zoom level from a predetermined list of options.

11. Fit to page

Click if you want an entire asset to be fitted to the Ziflow Viewer screen.

Page navigator in Ziflow Viewer

12. Marquee zoom

Click to enter marquee zoom mode. Then please click and hold a left mouse button over the proof. Select which part of the proof you want to zoom in. Once you let the mouse button, the selected part of the proof will be zoomed in.

Commenting mode button in Ziflow Viewer

13. Commenting mode

Once this mode is activated, a reviewer can start adding a markup and comments.

Panning mode button in Ziflow Viewer

14. Panning mode

Panning mode allows you to click and drag the proof around the proof window. When a panning mode is activated, the hand turns blue. If it is deactivated, it will be white. If you select the measurement tool or any markup tool, the panning mode will automatically be deactivated.

Rotate button in Ziflow Viewer

15. Rotate

Click to rotate the proof image by 90 degrees.

Measurement tool in Ziflow Viewer

16. Measurement Tool

Click the measurement tool to reveal the measurement pallet

See “Measurement Tool in Proof Viewer” for more details.

17. Color separations

With the color separations feature enabled in your account, reviewers can identify possible print issues by measuring color density. They can quickly ensure that a specific spot has the appropriate density of a specific color or PANTON.

Complete review or Submit decision button in Ziflow Viewer

18. Complete review / Make decision

Reviewers with comment-only rights will see a Complete review button. Reviewers with decision permissions will see a Make decision button - click to select your decision.

Add comment button in Ziflow Viewer

19. Add comment

Click to open the comment box where you can type your observations. You may also link your comments with annotations on the proof image.

View comments button in Ziflow Viewer

20. View comments

This button will display all comments attached to the proof and brief information if it was added.

Additional Information:

  • If you hold the CTRL or Apple key down, the mouse scroll wheel will zoom in and out.

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