This is where account admins will establish defaults for the general proof settings.
They are divided into four categories:
Proofing defaults
Minor version (available on Pro, business Legacy & Enterprise editions)- this feature allows proofs to be labeled as v0.1, v0.2, v0.3, etc. for internal review cycles. Minor versioning will not automatically change if you allow viewing previous versions or the full workflow.
Lock the proof when all decisions are made - this option will auto-lock the proof when all decisions are made.
Allow download of the original file - reviewers can download the proof file without any comments or markups.
Suppress proof created/failed email prevents the proof creator from receiving the initial email letting them know they have a new proof to review.
Electronic signatures (available on the Enterprise edition only)- sign off your proof electronically. By enabling this setting as a default, the proof security options will be limited to only users since the electronic signatures are available only for user type contacts.
Allow proof subscriptions - allow anyone to subscribe to the proof and make comments and/or decisions. This option is not available for users on the Free edition.
Proof security - allows you to select who the proof should be shared with and whether or not they need to authenticate themselves when opening the proof. This functionality ensures that only designated reviewers can access proofs. You'll be able to read more about it here.
Proof sharing
Require guest reviewers to authenticate (available on the Enterprise edition only) - if you decide that guest reviewers need to authenticate themselves before accessing the proof, you can determine how often they need to be authenticated.
Allow sharing proofs with (available on Standard, Pro & Enterprise editions)- this allows you to choose who the proofs can be shared with: anyone, users in my account, or users in my trusted accounts.
Proof public link - use this setting to disable the proof public link. The public URL will be removed from the application & Ziflow Viewer.
Folder sharing
Folder shareable link - (Standard, Pro, Business Legacy & Enterprise editions only) enables sharing folders with generated URLs. You can find more information about this feature in the following article.
Access to shared subfolders - turn on to grant Proof Viewer users access to both the shared folder and its share-enabled subfolders. When off, users can only see the contents of the shared folder. The setting is turned on by default.
Other settings
Make folders mandatory - by selecting this option, proof creators must choose which folder the proof should be placed before completing the proof creation process.
Allow historical workflow deadlines - allows users to set a deadline in the past.
On the new version set the proof name to the first file's name - instead of requiring new versions to take on the last version name, we've added an administrator setting that allows users to select if a new version should be named after the previous version or the first file’s name.
Deadlines: relative based on the previous version - setting allows deadlines to be copied relative to that earlier version’s creation date. If the first stage had two days between the deadline date and the creation date, when creating a new version of the proof, the deadline would be two days from that time. The automatic deadline recalculation is based on business days and does not include Saturdays and Sundays.
Download expiration date - decide how long it will take for a download original file link to expire.
Show custom properties for - decide to whom custom-proof properties should be displayed.
Default users dashboard proof layout - select a default view for the Dashboard Proof List. You can switch between three different views: List, Grid, & Expanded List. Users can still change their preferences when logged into a Ziflow Dashboard.
Thumbnails aspect ratio - select your desired ratio for displaying proof thumbnails inside the Ziflow dashboard. There are two options to choose from. In the first one, which is the "Crop to fit," the thumbnail image is cropped to fit the box.
The second option, "Original aspect ratio", displays the thumbnail image in its original aspect ratio.
Note: this setting will only apply to a proof’s thumbnail image in Ziflow’s Dashboard; images in the “more proofs to review” modal, folder gallery view, email notifications and hourly digests, and other areas of the software where thumbnails are displayed will retain the “crop to fit” behavior.
The setting for the thumbnail aspect ratio is NOT respected for live or snapshot website proofs. Website thumbnails are always cropped at the top of the page, not from the middle. -
Video proofing resolution (Pro, Business Legacy& Enterprise Edition only) - this setting allows you to prioritize between quicker video proof preparation and review loading times or enhanced details.
Please note that this setting only applies to newly created proofs. If you change the setting to Detail Focus (4k), only newly created proofs will be processed with increased resolution.
If you choose the Detail focus (4k) as your default account setting, proofs may take longer to process compared to the Fast Preview (FullHD) option. -
Allow reviewers to view previous versions - if this box is checked, reviewers will have visibility to all proof versions, regardless of their stage.
Allow mentioning - control who is allowed to use @mention on a proof level. Four different settings may be applied to your proofs:
Only reviewers on the proof - all contacts (users & guest reviewers) added to the proof can be mentioned.
Only reviewers on the same stage - all contacts (users & guest reviewers) added to the stage can be mentioned.
Only active users in the account - all active users from the whole account can be mentioned. This setting works only when using the new Ziflow Viewer.
All users and contacts in the account - all guest reviewers and users can be mentioned.
Please note that guest reviewers can @mention only people added to the proof.
View full workflow (Pro, Business Legacy, & Enterprise Edition only) - switch this setting to keep the full workflow visibility for all users and guests. By default, users and guest reviewers can only see those parts of the workflow that they are shared with.
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