Finishing a Review & Understanding Decisions in the Legacy Ziflow Viewer

Mike Salyga
Mike Salyga
  • Updated

Summary: Depending on your proof permissions, you will complete your review either by selecting Complete review or by making a Make decision from the options below.

  • Approved

  • Approved with changes

  • Changes required

  • Not relevant

if you are on the Pro or Enterprise edition, you have the option to customize your decisions. This feature will allow you to modify the standard options to something more fitting for your workflow.


Please see the Custom Decision Labels article in our Help Center for further details.


Where is the feature applied? When you create a new proof, granting Decision permissions will enable the user to choose from the decision list.


Reviewer with decision permissions

When you create a new proof, granting Comment permissions to the user will give them the ability to press the Finish review button but not make a decision.


Reviewer with comment permissions


How does it work?



Non-decision makers (reviewers with comment rights only)

Comment-only reviewers will see the green Finish review button in the top center of the proof viewer window, as shown below.



Once the Finish review is selected, other reviewers can see the change in decision status within Proof Details.



If the proof has not been locked and is still under review, you have the ability to revoke your Finish review decision by clicking on In progress before you make further amends.


Once you are finished, simply click on Review Complete again.


Complete review in the Legacy Viewer


Decision-makers (reviewers with decision rights)

A stage may have one or more Decision-makers, so it's very important to understand how the decision process works and how Ziflow calculates multiple decisions made within the same stage.


A reviewer who has been granted Decision rights will be able to see the green Submit decision button at the top of the proof viewer window.


Submit decision in the Legacy Viewer

When you click on Submit decision, you are presented with the following options:

  1. Approved - Selecting this option means that you are approving the proof in its current state.


  2. Approved with changes - This option is used when you have some minor changes and don't need to see a new version. (It's typically used when feedback is very minimal and will not have a big impact - e.g. the reviewer requests a full stop and a capital letter to be added to a sentence).


  3. Changes required - This option means that you need to see a new version of the proof once the changes have been made.


  4. Not relevant - You can select this option if you feel the new proof is not relevant to you. - eg. You already approved the copy on version 1, yet another reviewer requests some visual changes. You'll be invited to review and approve version 2, but it's not necessary because the changes on version 2 don't affect the copy that you had already approved on version 1.

Additionally, admins may set up custom decision reasons for the reviewers. This means that after choosing a decision, reviewers will be asked to provide a reason for their decision.


Adding decision reason in the Legacy Viewer

Here's an example of what such email confirmation looks like:


Decision confirmation email in Ziflow


What happens when reviewers make conflicting decisions on the same proof?


Once all the decision-makers have submitted a final decision, the status is calculated based on the following rules:

  • If at least one decision was set to Changes required the review stage decision will be set to Changes required.


  • If at least one decision was set to Approved with changes and nobody in the stage selected “Changes required” then the stage decision will be Approved with changes.


  • If at least one decision is Approved and nobody in the stage selected Changes required or Approved with changes, then the stage decision will be Approved.


  • If all decisions are set to Not relevant, then the stage decision will be Not relevant.


  • A reviewer can change a decision after the final decision has been calculated, provided the proof has not been locked.


  • If a reviewer does change a decision while the proof is unlocked, then the review stage and final decision are recalculated.


  • If a reviewer revokes the decision, the review stage status and proof status will change to In progress until the reviewer submits a new decision.


  • Decision calculation will NOT happen if you select Only one decision required in the stage settings.

Proof status calculation with no decision-makers:

  • The status calculation on a stage without any decision-makers is ignored, and the stage status will show Completed once the reviewers click the Complete Review button;


  • Proof and stage lock are dependent only on ' actions;


  • Only stages with decision-makers can have an In progress status. This will change later after reviewers submit their decisions.


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