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Ziflow Dashboard

See how to navigate around Ziflow. Check out how you can access proofs, automate flows, or update your account management settings.

Updated over a week ago

Topics listed in this article:

Proofs list

Once you log in to Ziflow, you will see the Proof List, your starting point when using Ziflow. This is where you will create, manage, and organize your proofs.

Proofs list tab in Ziflow


Connect your favorite tools and apps with Ziflow Connect, our one-click and low-code integrations suite. Automatically create new reviews from file and asset storage platforms, sync review and approval with project management tools, and work directly inside Adobe Creative Cloud and other creative tools.

Connect tab in Ziflow


Ziflow's People interface is the user management center that enables admins to invite new users and guests into Ziflow. From here, they can easily edit user roles, create review groups and perform all necessary actions related to user management.

People tab in Ziflow

Account & profile management

This is where a user can manage profile and account settings. The options listed under each user avatar will vary depending on the user's role assigned by the account admin.

Account and profile settings in Ziflow

Users can click on View profile to update their image, view their permissions, and see any groups/proofs that they are a part of. Admins will have a Settings option that will allow them full access to manage all account settings.


Monitoring a team's productivity over time is crucial for predicting possible bottlenecks, forecasting trends, and effectively managing workload and review processes - especially when projects involve multiple collaborators and many layers of review and approval.

Ziflow brings these insights to your fingertips by tracking core metrics around creative production.

Insights tab in Ziflow

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