Summary: If a reviewer deletes a comment by accident or has a change of heart, Ziflow allows the reviewer to restore the deleted comment(s). It will also bring back any replies or attachments associated with that comment.
Available for: Proof Owners and users with Manage or Admin permissions can restore all deleted comments. Reviewers with Comment permissions are only able to restore their own comments.
Where is the feature setup? When creating a new proof, reviewers are added to the workflow by the proof owner. At that time, the proof owner will set their proof permissions, determining their access level.
How does it work?
When a comment is deleted inside the Legacy Proof Viewer, the box will automatically grey out. If the Restore icon is clicked, the comment will re-appear in the comment list along with any uploads or replies.
Additional Information:
Comment can't be restored if the proof is locked or after creating a new version.
Supporting material:
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