In this article, you'll find a list of our most impactful new features and enhancements released in December 2022.
Don't worry, for more significant enhancements, you can still check out our blog, as well as read our newsletter. If you have questions about these items, don't hesitate to contact our support team.
Sort comments by their position on the asset
Comments can be sorted by the order in which each piece of feedback was added (by date or time), and alphabetically by the author’s name. With this release, comments can now be sorted based on the location of the markup on the asset itself. This is the ideal setting for designers looking to make sequential changes to a file after having received feedback, as individual comments can be displayed in the order in which they appear (top to bottom, left to right) as they progress through the asset.
Rotate resolution on live websites
With this week’s update to Ziflow’s Proof Viewer, stakeholders can now quickly switch the orientation of live website proofs, mimicking the behavior of rotating a mobile device from vertical to horizontal. By clicking the “rotate resolution” button, reviewers can instantly swap the selected screen resolution values, delivering a far more efficient method of viewing how the resultant page will appear in the two different contexts on phones or tablets.
New setting: auto-archive proof only when approved
We’ve made a slight adjustment to Ziflow’s auto-archive feature in this release: a new setting that will only allow proofs to be automatically archived if they’re marked as Approved. This setting is perfect for teams with projects that have an elongated review process, and when enabled, will prevent a delayed proof from being auto-archived until it’s version-complete.
New settings for the Proof Viewer experience on mobile
We’ve made an additional setting available to reviewers in the mobile version of Ziflow’s Proof Viewer—a toggle to hide or reveal markup “pins”—making it far easier to review assets on a mobile device that have already been heavily commented upon.
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