Proof subscriptions

Mike Salyga
Mike Salyga
  • Updated

Summary: With a proof subscription enabled on a proof level, reviewers can add themselves to the proof. Depending on the options selected during proof creation, those reviewers can comment & make decisions.

Available for: Standard, Pro, Business Legacy & Enterprise editions

    1. Creating proofs with a proof subscription enabled

    2. How reviewers can subscribe themselves to proofs

    3. Different proof-sharing settings

    How to enable proof subscriptions

    Proof creators may enable the proof subscription setting while creating a new proof (under the Security section).

    Enable proof subscription setting on a review level

    When the setting is enabled, you may choose which permissions (comment, comment & make decisions) should be assigned for auto-added reviewers.

    Review subscription permissions

    The proof owners can also decide to which stage those reviewers should be added:

    Proof subscription stage settings


    Reviewers can be added to the first stage, last stage, or a new subscriber's stage (the last option is available just for the Enterprise edition).

    How reviewers can subscribe to proofs

    To let reviewers subscribe to the proof, they have to access it using a public URL that can be copied directly from the Proof Details page within Ziflow.

    Proof owners or managers should copy the public URL and share it with anyone wanting to collaborate on a project.

    Copying a public URL from proof details page in Ziflow

    When a reviewer opens a proof using the public URL, they can add comments or submit a decision depending on the proof subscribe setting chosen by the proof creator.

    Reviewer is asked to authenticate after submitting the decision on a proof

    Ziflow users have to sign in to add comments or make decisions. Users may sign in right after they open a proof, or they can authenticate using their Ziflow credentials after adding a comment or submitting a decision.

    Ziflow user subscribes to the proof using credentials

    If a public URL is shared with a guest contact (reviewer without a Ziflow account), then the reviewer, after adding a comment or submitting a decision, is asked to confirm their name & email address.

    Guest reviewer subscribes to a proof using token notification from Ziflow

    When reviewers auto-subscribe to the proof, they will receive an email notification about being added there.

    Ziflow email notification about proof being started

    Auto-subscribed reviewers will also appear under proof details when they're added to the stage selected during proof configuration.

    Reviewer who subscribed to the proof is listed under proof details page

    Additional information:

    • Please note that the proof subscriptions feature respects the Allow sharing proof with setting inside the General account settings. With the proof subscription feature, ziflow administrators can decide who can subscribe to proofs.

      Allow sharing proof with setting in Ziflow
    • Proof Security settings can also limit who can subscribe to the proof. If you select the Users Only option, then guest reviewers won't be able to subscribe to such proofs.

      Review security settings
    • Reviewers who open a proof with a public URL don't need to subscribe if they want to export comments to PDF or download the original proof files.

      export comments to PDF or download original file while using public URL

    Supporting materials:

    1. Creating proofs with a proof subscription enabled

    2. How reviewers can subscribe themselves to proofs

    3. Different proof sharing settings


    How to enable proof subscriptions

    Proof creators may enable the proof subscription setting while creating a new proof (under the Proof settings section).

    Enable proof subscription setting on proof level

    When the setting is enabled, you may choose which permissions (comment, comment & make decisions) should be assigned for auto-added reviewers.


    Proof subscription permissions

    The proof owner can also decide to which stage those reviewers should be added:

    Proof subscription stage settings

    Reviewers can be added to the first stage, last stage, or a new subscriber's stage (the last option is available just for the Enterprise edition).


    How reviewers can subscribe to proofs

    To let reviewers subscribe to the proof, they have to access it using a public URL that can be copied directly from the Proof Details page within Ziflow.

    Proof owners or managers should copy the public URL and then share it with anyone wanting to collaborate on a particular project.

    Copying a public URL from proof details page in Ziflow

    When a reviewer opens a proof using the public URL, they can add comments or submit a decision depending on the proof subscribe setting chosen by the proof creator.

    Reviewer is asked to authenticate after submitting the decision on a proof

    Ziflow users have to sign in to add comments or make decisions. Users may sign in right after opening a proof or authenticate using their Ziflow credentials after adding a comment or submitting a decision.

    Ziflow user subscribes to the proof using credentials

    If a public URL is shared with a guest contact (reviewer without a Ziflow account), then the reviewer, after adding a comment or submitting a decision, is asked to confirm their name & email address.

    Guest reviewer subscribes to a proof using token notification from Ziflow

    When reviewers auto-subscribe to the proof, they will receive an email notification about being added to that proof.

    Ziflow email notification about proof being started

    Auto-subscribed reviewers will also appear under proof details when they're added to the stage selected during proof configuration.

    Reviewer who subscribed to the proof is listed under proof details page

    Additional information:

    • Please note that the proof subscriptions feature respects the Allow sharing proof with setting inside the General account settings. This means that Ziflow administrators can decide who exactly can subscribe to proofs with the proof subscription feature.

      Allow sharing proof with setting in Ziflow
    • Proof security setting can also limit who can subscribe to the proof. If you select the Users only option, then guest reviewers won't be able to subscribe to such proof.

      Proof security settings
    • Reviewers who open proof with a public URL don't need to subscribe if they simply want to export comments to PDF or download the proof original files.

      export comments to PDF or download original file while using public URL

    Supporting materials:

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