Summary: Sometimes, it is necessary to delete a proof that is no longer relevant, or perhaps you are clearing out your old projects. The delete proof option makes this process easy, but it is necessary to point out some vital information.
Available for: This option is only available to proof owners or users with Manage permissions for all versions of the proof you wish to delete.
Where is the feature applied? If you are the proof owner, the feature is automatically applied. Reviewers with the Manage rights will also have the ability to delete proofs.
Features outlined in this article:
Removing proofsThe Delete proof option is available from two locations:
The bulk actions menu is found inside your Proof List, as shown below.
The Proof Details page is accessed by clicking on the Proof Details button inside the Proof List.
If you delete a proof, it is important to note that …
On the Proof Details page, you can select to delete only the last version of the proof or remove the whole project.
Please note that the proof will be deleted entirely if you click a Delete button from a Proof List level.
If a reviewer opens a deleted proof or somebody is currently working on a proof when it is deleted, he or she will see the following warning message.
Restoring deleted proofsProofs are often deleted by mistake or removed when they are not needed anymore. If this happens and you need to restore deleted proofs, you can restore them from the trash.
To recover trashed proofs, open the Trash view. Please click + first and choose Trash view from the list. You can also star Trash view so it shows permanently in the top bar.
This will allow you to view all proofs that have been deleted. What is important here is that the list shows only proofs to which you have edit rights. You should be able to restore a proof if:
- you have an admin or manager role in Ziflow (access to all proofs);
- you are the proof owner or have management rights on a proof.
Important note:
- Currently, we allow restoring only proofs that were deleted entirely. You cannot restore single versions of proofs that were removed. To restore specific proof versions, please get in touch with our Support.
Deleting proofs from trashIf you want to delete proofs permanently, please go to the Trashed proofs filter in your dashboard, mark proofs to be eradicated, and confirm the action:
Additional information:Please note that deleted proofs (those in the trashed folder) do not count toward used storage in your account.
With the Ziflow 24.01 release, we have implemented a system change that will automatically delete any proof that has been in the trash for 30 days.
When you move a proof to the "Trash," it will be permanently deleted after a 30-day period. This change streamlines the process of purging outdated assets by automating the removal of proofs from the "Trash" after the specified duration.
Supporting material: -
Where is the feature applied? If you are the Proof Owner, the feature is automatically applied. Reviewers who are granted the Manage when creating a new proof will also have the ability to delete proofs.
Features outlined in this article:
Removing proofs
The Delete proof option is available from two locations:
The bulk actions menu is found inside your Proof List, as shown below.
The Proof Details page is accessed by clicking on the Proof Details button inside the Proof List.
If you decide to delete a proof, it is important to note that …
On the Proof Details page, you can select to delete only the last version of the proof or remove the whole project. Please note that if you click a Delete button from a Proof List level, the proofing project will be deleted entirely.
If a reviewer opens a deleted proof or somebody is currently working on that proof when it is deleted, he or she will see the following warning message.
Restoring deleted proofs
Often, proofs are deleted by mistake or removed when they are not needed anymore. If this happens and you need to restore deleted assets, you can now restore them from the trash.
If you want to recover proofs, please open the Trashed proofs filter on the left side of your Ziflow dashboard.
This will allow you to view all projects that have been deleted. What is important here is that the list shows only proofs to which you have edit rights. You should be able to restore a proof if:
- you have an admin or manager role in Ziflow (access to all proofs);
- you are the proof owner or have manage rights on a proof.
Deleting proofs from trash
If you want to delete proofs permanently, please go to Trashed proofs in your dashboard, mark proofs to be eradicated, and confirm the action:
Additional information:
Please note that deleted proofs (those in the trashed folder) do not count toward used storage in your account.
With the Ziflow 24.01 release, we have implemented a system change that will automatically delete any proof that has been in the trash for 30 days.
When you move a proof to the "Trash," it will be permanently deleted after a 30-day period. This change streamlines the process of purging outdated assets by automating the removal of proofs from the "Trash" after the specified duration.Supporting material:
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