Summary: When reviewers request proof changes, the creator will make revisions and upload a new version.
Available for: Proof owners and users with Manage permission can upload new versions.
Proceed with the following steps to add a new proof version:
Edit workflow (optional)
Adjust proof settings (optional)
Where to start?
There are three different ways to create a new version:
From the Proof Details page, click on the “+” button.
Click the “+” button within the Proof Viewer and select Create new version.
If you drag a new file version on a proof thumbnail, it will automatically start a new version using the previous version settings.
When you select Create new version, it will take you back to the create proof screen.
Upload a new version asset
It would be best if you started by uploading a new version asset or entering the new URL.
For more information about uploading proofs, please refer to the detailed guide on creating proofs in Ziflow.
Edit Reviewers & Stage settings (Optional)
When you upload a new version, you can amend any existing stage settings and edit a reviewers list:
For more information about workflow settings, see the detailed guide on creating proofs in Ziflow.
Adjust Security and Settings (Optional)
You can also edit entire proof settings at the bottom of the page, including the minor version setting, proof security, and many others:
For more information about proof settings, please refer to the detailed guide on creating proofs in Ziflow.
Finish creating a New Proof Version.
Once you finish uploading a new version file and editing all needed settings, click the Create button. Reviewers will be notified once the proof is processed that a new version is ready for review.
*Note - the previous version will automatically lock when you upload a new version.
Additional information:
If a user is viewing a proof when a new version is created, they will see a pop-up message (shown below) informing them that the current version of the proof is now locked and a new version is available.