Basecamp Zibot Settings

Mike Salyga
Mike Salyga
  • Updated

Summary: There are 3 types of Basecamp Zibots that will automate your most common Basecamp tasks. Ziflow is able to automatically send files, create to-dos or post messages based on your cloud storage events. The Email Zibot can be used in a single flow or as part of a multi-step flow.


Where is the feature setup? The Basecamp Zibot can be applied inside the Zibot step when creating or amending a Flow. Please Note: The Basecamp Zibot will only show if you have connected Basecamp to Ziflow.


Follow instructions on:


Basecamp Zibot Event configuration



Before you create your first automation, you'll need to connect your Google Drive/Dropbox personal/Dropbox Businesses. Start by entering the Connect tab and pressing a Create flow button located in the right upper corner of a dashboard. Name your flow (eg. Create Basecamp to-do when a new file is uploaded in Google Drive) and select a previously added cloud storage connection. Alternatively, you can add a new cloud connection from this page as well.


Next, select type of the event that is going to trigger the automation:


There are 4 types of events who can choose from (4th one which is New folder is created is dedicated for other Zibots):

  1. File is added to a folder - select this event if you want to notify or send files being uploaded to the storage.


  2. File is modified - select this event if you want to notify or send about files that are being modified (eg. name is changed).


  3. File is deleted - select this event if you want to notify or send files that are removed from the storage.


  4. New folder is created - select this event if you want to notify about folder being created in the storage.

Let's now Set up details for your event. Please see "Understanding event settings" for more information.


The above settings let you narrow down files that will trigger the automation later on. You can decide which files, uploaded where and by whom will trigger later actions. Once you're done with adjusting the trigger settings, click the Next button and proceed with the Zibot configuration.


Basecamp Zibot configuration



You'll be presented with a list of available Zibots. Available Basecamp Zibots each have a different purpose but you could also use all 3 in one multi-step flow along with any of the other Zibots.


Below we will cover all 3 different Basecamp Zibots:

  1. Send a file to Basecamp

  2. Create a todo in Basecamp

  3. Post message to Basecamp Message Board


1. Send a file to Basecamp Zibot

When you select this Zibot as part of your flow, you will see the following window. The configurable options inside the send a file to Basecamp Zibot are listed below:


  1. Source file: Ziflow is asking what the input file will be ie. the file you want to send to Basecamp, You have two options:

    File that triggered this flow - this means a file or folder that is moved/changed or created in a certain location that triggered this flow is the source file.

    File that is the result of the previous action - this option will become available if you have a multi-stage flow. It is basically asking if the input file will be coming from the previous zibot action in the flow.

  2. Where would you like to send the file: Ziflow is asking where you want to send it inside Basecamp.

    HQ - Company HQ is a place for your whole company inside Basecamp this is typically used for company-wide announcements or information.

    Team - is a place where similar roles share things with each other inside Basecamp eg. Marketing team, Sales team etc. select this option and Ziflow will automatically look up the teams that are in your Basecamp application and present the options in a dropdown list.

    Project - Project is a specific project that has been inside Basecamp eg. a marketing campaign or new product launch etc. select this option and Ziflow will automatically look up the projects that are in your Basecamp application and present the options in a dropdown list.


2. Create a todo in Basecamp Zibot

When you select the Create a todo in Basecamp Zibot as part of your flow, you will see the following window. The configurable options inside the create a todo in Basecamp Zibot are listed below:


  1. Where would you like to add the to-do: Ziflow is asking where in Basecamp you want to add the to-do select either, HQ, Team, or Project (as explained above).


  2. Which task list you want the to-do to be added Ziflow will scan Basecamp and present a list of available tasks allowing you to select what task list Ziflow needs to update.


  3. Title: Add the title of the to-do that you want Ziflow to add. You have the option to apply tokens if you want to add variable information such as the filename or date etc. Refer to our FAQ: How to use tokens for further information.


  4. Description: Insert the description of the to-do you want to be posted inside Basecamp. As above various tokens can be applied if you wish.


  5. Assign to: Please select the person who will be assigned the task (Ziflow will scan Basecamp and display a dropdown list of the Basecamp users inside HQ, Team, or Project depending on what you selected in step 1 above.


  6. Attach file: Ziflow wants to know if the file that triggered the flow or the file that was created as a result of the previous action should be attached to this to-do item (or not).


3. Post a message to Basecamp Message Board

When you select the Post message to Basecamp Message Board Zibot as part of your flow, you will see the following window. The configurable options inside the post message to Basecamp Message Board Zibot are listed below:


  1. Where would you like to post the message: Ziflow is asking where in Basecamp you want to post the message select either, HQ, Team, or Project (as explained above).


  2. Title: Add the title of the to-do that you want Ziflow to add. You have the option to apply tokens if you want to add variable information such as the filename or date etc. Refer to our FAQ: How to use tokens for further information.


  3. Message: Enter the message that you want to display on the message board. As above various tokens can be applied if you wish.



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