In this article, you'll find a list of our most impactful new features and enhancements that we have released this month.
Don't worry, for more significant enhancements, you can still check out our blog, as well as read our newsletter. If you have questions about these items, don't hesitate to contact our support team.
Add custom property values to Proof email templates
With this release, Ziflow administrators can ensure that even more information about a proof is dynamically populated in the reminder emails to reviewers.
When setting up a proof review email templates, admins can now add custom property information from within the token selector. When a proof is ready for review, that email will be sent to reviewers with information from the custom property populated within.
New column when exporting a list of Proofs to CSV: Public URL
Exporting a list of proofs to a CSV file can be tremendously useful for project managers looking for unique ways to report on their team’s creative workflow—a pivot table that shows project owners and their average number of versions per proof, for example.
With this release, your CSV files can now include a new field for each proof: Public URL. If enabled for your workspace, the Public URL field will populate in each row for every proof when exported to a CSV with the setting “include all standard and custom properties”.
API: Return comment values as plain text, toggle to turn off stage summary when exporting PDF
We’ve made a few exciting tweaks to Ziflow’s developer API in this week’s release.
First, you can now use an API call to get comments from Proofs in plain text format, which will allow you to parse through feedback without tags and other HTML-specific elements included. In addition, we’ve introduced a toggle that can prevent the inclusion of stage summary information when exporting a PDF. Turning “stage_summary” off when exporting will make for a cleaner offline proofing experience.
Interested in building an API-based connection to Ziflow? Reach out to your customer success manager for more information!
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