Batch Review

Mike Salyga
Mike Salyga
  • Updated

Summary: In Ziflow, you can create proofs containing different assets across all supported media types (videos, audio, images, documents, websites, and rich media). It is handy when reviewing a project comprising two or more asset types, e.g., live website & PDF.

  • Available for: This feature is available only on the Enterprise edition.

    This article consists of two parts:

    1. Creating proofs with different asset types

    2. Changing asset names for combined proofs

    3. Proofing reviews with different asset types

    Creating proofs with different asset types

    When creating a new review, you may merge different file types into one review (you can also upload multiple files of the same kind, e.g., two videos or websites). The process of uploading files works the same as it used to - you can drag & drop project files to Ziflow or select them from your system file selector.

    Creating proofs with different asset types in Ziflow

    Once your files are uploaded into Ziflow, please do not forget to select the Combined proof setting. This way, you can merge files into a single review. You can also leave the files as separate assets (this option will create a review from each file separately).

    Combined review setting in Ziflow

    This concludes the review creation part. If you want to know more about review creation, please read a detailed guide on creating a new review.

    Changing asset names for combined proofs

    We have developed a feature in Ziflow that allows users to modify the names of uploaded assets in multi-asset type campaigns. This is particularly useful when reviewers are presented with numerous assets in a batch proof and struggle to understand the relevance of each asset in the Ziflow Viewer.

    The proof below consists of four assets that have been merged together, including a few PDFs, a single video file, and two websites. The proof name, marked with a yellow highlight, was derived from the first uploaded file and can be changed if necessary. To rename the proof, simply click on the proof name and change it according to your needs.

    Additionally, when creating a new proof, you can rename and reorder specific types of assets as you upload them.

    When a proof is opened in the Ziflow Viewer, reviewers can easily navigate through uploaded documents and know which asset they view.

    If you need to edit the name of an asset on a proof that has already been created, simply open the proof details, navigate to the assets section, and update the names as needed.

    When multiple assets are included in a proof, each comment specifies the asset to which it pertains. This helps reviewers understand the context of the comment.

    Reviewing proofs with different asset types

    Once you successfully create a proof and reviewers receive their invitations, the review process in the Ziflow Viewer will begin. In general, the whole experience around proofreading such a combined proof doesn't change much compared to a one-file review.

    The only difference is that reviewers will need to switch between separate assets using a widget added for this purpose to the Ziflow Viewer:

    Reviewing proofs with different asset types in Ziflow

    Supporting material:

  • Available for: This feature is available only on the Enterprise edition.

    This article consists of two parts:

    1. Creating proofs with different asset types

    2. Batch review assets using our asset navigator


    Creating proofs with different asset types


    When creating a new proof, you may merge different file types into one proof (you can also upload multiple files of the same kind, e.g., two videos or websites). The process of uploading files works the same as it used to - you can drag & drop project files to Ziflow or select them from your system file selector.


    Creating proofs with different asset types in Ziflow

    Once your files are uploaded into Ziflow, please do not forget to select the Combined proof setting - this way, you decide to merge files into a single asset. You can also leave the files as separate assets (this option will create a proof from each file separately).


    Combined proof setting in Ziflow

    This concludes the proof creation part. If you want to know more about proof creation, please read a detailed guide on creating a new proof.


    Batch Review Asset Navigator


    Once you successfully create a proof and reviewers receive their proof invitation, the review process in the Ziflow Viewer will begin. The whole experience around proofreading such a combined file generally doesn't change much compared to a one-file proof.


    The only difference is that reviewers will need to switch between separate files using a widget (asset navigator) added for this purpose to the Ziflow Viewer:


     Batch Review Asset Navigator

    With our asset navigator, you can quickly navigate through assets uploaded inside the proof.


    Reviewing proofs with different asset types in Ziflow

    Supporting material:

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