June 2023 Release Notes (23.11)

Mike Salyga
Mike Salyga
  • Updated

In this article, you'll find a list of our most impactful new features and enhancements that we have released this month.


Don't worry, for more significant enhancements, you can still check out our blog, as well as read our newsletter. If you have questions about these items, don't hesitate to contact our support team.


Override default email messaging with custom proof and stage notifications



With this release, you can now create custom text for email notifications and choose whether it appears alongside your tenant-level customized email text or instead of your default email formatting.


Previously, when you’ve created customized text for email notifications at the tenant level and then created custom text for a specific review or stage, the resulting email could appear repetitive: the custom text would be displayed directly above the standard text within the same email.


However, with this new toggle, you have the ability to specify your preferred behavior. You can choose to have both the review-level email text and tenant-level text appear together, providing a comprehensive message to the recipient. Or, you can opt for the custom email text to be the sole content displayed within the recipient's email, allowing for a more focused and personalized communication.


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