March 2024 Release Notes (24.05)

Mike Salyga
Mike Salyga
  • Updated

In this article, you'll find a list of our most impactful new features and enhancements that we have released this month.

Don't worry, for more significant enhancements, you can still check out our blog, as well as read our newsletter. If you have questions about these items, don't hesitate to contact our support team.

Dashboard 2.0: New “expanded” view in workflow editor, enhanced visibility and control over reviewer roles

In the months since we released Ziflow 2.0 in July of 2023, we’ve met with hundreds of customers to listen to their comments and suggestions around our updated creative operations dashboard. Today we’re proud to announce two features that were sourced directly from two of the most commonly heard pieces of feedback: the need to see all settings in a routing workflow at once, and an easier way to understand and assign reviewer roles.

“Expanded” view in Ziflow’s workflow editor

The "Expanded View" toggle, visible in both the “Reviewers” section of the new proof creation modal, and the “Workflow” tab in proof details, is designed to provide a more comprehensive experience when setting up or editing the routing for your proof.

Expanded view while creating a proof & opening proof details

In contrast to the “Compact view”, “Expanded view” resembles the familiar routing layout from the legacy version of Ziflow’s Dashboard, and displays nearly all workflow settings directly within the New Proof flow and Proof Details panel. Rather than clicking each setting’s button in the workflow editor menu, which could lengthen the time it takes to build a workflow, Expanded view allows you to access and adjust settings with greater ease and efficiency.

“Expanded” view in Ziflow’s workflow editor

With this change, the “Diagram view” button has been enlarged and separated from the Compact/Expanded view toggles in both the new proof flow and the proof details panel. This give you the ability to edit routing using whatever method is most convenient, while optionally seeing a visual diagram of the workflow near the top of the section.

Workflow diagram view in Ziflow

Enhanced visibility and updated controls over reviewer roles

We heard feedback from users about the design of our reviewer roles settings (Comment, Approve, Manage, Share) in Dashboard 2.0, leading to confusion over which permissions had been granted for a given proof. With this release, we've revamped the design to provide a clearer overview of reviewer roles, making this crucial part of a creative workflow easier to understand and manage.

The reviewer roles layout has been updated to a grid with tickable boxes for added clarity, with bold column headers to help users understand permissions at a glance. We’ve also evolved and standardized the language that’s displayed in the menu: with the word "Decision" being replaced with "Approve" or “Approved” across various sections.

In addition, we’ve divided "Manage" section into "Manage" and "Share" specifically for the reviewer share list. For proof owners, both "Manage" and "Share" permissions are selected and deselecting these options is disabled. Users can only have the ability to "Share" if they also have the “Manage” option toggled.

Dashboard 2.0 is the most robust tool ever built for managing creative operations

As mentioned during our recent Product Release Webinar, Ziflow is working tirelessly to address any outstanding concerns with our updated interface, so that we may make it easier for teams to switch from our legacy dashboard. While we have not set an official sunset date for Dashboard 1.0, one will be announced before the end of the year.

With the two features announced today, and with any additive features to be released only in the newest version of the software, we believe there’s no time like the present to encourage your users to migrate to Ziflow’s Dashboard 2.0. Click here for details on how to make the switch!

Color separation: support for Adobe InDesign and Illustrator files


Ziflow’s Color Separation feature levels up your proofing process by allowing you to compare creative assets and Pantone and CMYK color scales in real time. With this release, we’ve added support for Adobe InDesign (.indd) and Illustrator (.ai) files, allowing you to measure the precise ink density and examine spot colors for these raw production files.

This will help your reviewers make faster, more informed decisions, eliminating the lengthy review process that can result when color precision is a top priority.


Enhanced Website snapshots for more detailed proofs

Previously, Ziflow captured website snapshots at 1366px, a resolution that no longer fully captures the richness of today's high-resolution displays. With this week’s release, we're increasing the resolution for all new website proofs of the snapshot style to 1920px. This enhancement ensures that your proofs accurately reflect the quality and clarity of your website or web application, even on the largest screens.

Enhanced Website snapshots for more detailed proofs

Note: this upgrade applies only to new proofs of a snapshot variety. If the latest version of a snapshot remains in the previous 1366px resolution, subsequent versions will continue to match that resolution. This prevents Ziflow from displaying a stark contrast between versions that isn’t related to the creative work itself, but to the way the snapshot was captured.

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