How do I delete a proof version in the middle of a proof?​

Mike Salyga
Mike Salyga
  • Updated

Sometimes, you might need to delete a proof version in the middle of a multi-version proof. The process consists of three actions.


First, you need to divide a proof into two parts, so the version to be removed is at the end of one of those version sets. Open V4 and click on the Disconnect Proof Versions button.



Then, delete an unneeded version (V3) from the detached proof set (V1, V2 and V3).



Once the proof version is deleted, you need to open V1 of the new proof set (V4, V5, and V6) created after disconnecting proof versions and use the Move version button to connect the two proofs back together.



This is how the whole process looks like from a user perspective:



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