February 2025 Release Notes (25.3)

Mike Salyga
Mike Salyga
  • Updated

In this article, you'll find a list of our most impactful new features and enhancements that we have released this month.

Don't worry, for more significant enhancements, you can still check out our blog, as well as read our newsletter. If you have questions about these items, don't hesitate to contact our support team.


Gallery View: Sort by “My Decision”


We’re introducing a new sorting option in Gallery View: “My Decision.” Up until now, Gallery View only allowed sorting by Proof Name or Proof Creation Date. With this release, you’ll have the ability to organize proofs based on your decision status, bringing even more clarity and control to your workflow.


When clicking to sort by “My Decision” in Gallery View, your proofs will be displayed in the following order: Decision pending, Reviewing, No decision made, Approved, Approved with changes, Changes required, Not relevant, Review complete, View only, Stage not started, User not a reviewer. As with other sort capabilities, this order can be reversed as needed, and Ziflow will remember your sorting preference for the next time you access Gallery View.

This update is the first step in allowing you to sort Gallery View by additional metadata, offering even greater flexibility as you manage your proofs. By enabling this new sorting functionality, we’re making it easier to prioritize your reviews and focus on what matters most.



Greater clarity around skipped stage status when creating a new version

Workflows in Ziflow can be configured to automatically skip a completed stage when a new version of a proof is created—ensuring that previously approved stages don’t have to be repeated. However, in Dashboard 2.0, users weren’t provided with any messaging indicating when a stage was skipped.


With this release, when a stage is skipped upon creating a new version, a message will now appear to indicate that the stage was automatically bypassed. In addition, users will also see the results of the previous stage’s decisions, including reviewer approvals, making it easier to track workflow progression. This update adds functionality that was previously available in Ziflow’s legacy dashboard, ensuring users have full visibility into why a stage was skipped and what decisions were made in the previous version.

NOTE: our Legacy Dashboard will be reaching end of life soon, and will no longer be supported at some point the future. For information how to migrate to Ziflow’s feature-rich Dashboard 2.0, click here.


Date filter improvements—including support for custom date fields

We’ve made some small but significant improvements to date filtering in Ziflow’s Dashboard 2.0, extending its capabilities to include custom properties where the field type is set to “Date” (for example: “Expiration Date”, or “Release Date”). These updates give you more flexibility and precision when filtering proofs and data.

With this release, you can now create filters on custom property fields of Type = Date with the same level of detail available for special values like “Date Created” and “Next Deadline.” In addition, the value options in the date filter have expanded.

These options currently consist of “After <date>”, “Before <date>”, “On <date>”, “Between <date> and <date>”, and “In the last <#> of <days/months>”; and have now expanded to include: “Today” “In the next <#> of <days/months>”, and “Is blank”. NOTE: the latter two options will not be available for “Date Created” filter, as they would not apply.


New and updated Events and Triggers in Ziflow Connect

With this release, we’ve updated Ziflow Connect to include new events and triggers, giving you even greater flexibility in automating your review and approval processes. To that end, we’ve added a new Event, “Proof Trashed/Restored”, which can be triggered when a proof is Trashed or Restored.

In addition, we’ve updated the “New Proof” Event with a new “Proof in Preparation” trigger, allowing flows to start even before a proof is fully created.

We’ve also updated the “Decision Made” Event to add two new triggers: “Review Completed” and “Decision Reverted”—helping automate workflows based on final approvals or changes in decision status.

Automation is the backbone of an efficient creative process, and these new events and triggers will make it easier than ever to customize flows to fit even the most complex workflows.

New “Get email” endpoint in Ziflow’s RESTful API

In highly regulated industries, compliance often means archiving every single email—from proof notifications to review digests and decision updates. With this release, we’re introducing a new API endpoint that allows organizations to automatically capture and archive emails sent by Ziflow.

This new “Get email” API Endpoint will allow developers to retrieve emails generated by Ziflow, including proof creation notifications, digests, decisions, and more. This will allow your team to connect Ziflow directly to your preferred compliance archiving provider to ensure all email communications are automatically saved.

For a full list of endpoints and a comprehensive guide to Ziflow’s API, click here.


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