Transition to Integration Properties from Custom Properties for Enhanced Integration Efficiency

Mike Salyga
Mike Salyga
  • Updated

If you're already integrated with using our Zibots or webhooks functionality and would like to take advantage of the latest enhancements to our integration with, we suggest you read the information below.

Clients already using Ziflow Integration Properties do not need to make any changes to their integration configuration.

Ziflow customers integrated with using custom properties (found in the Properties tab of Proof Details) can continue using their current integration without any issues.


To give users the ability to manage their creative proofing process directly in tasks, install our new Ziflow in-app item tab.

Please install the Ziflow Proofs Preview item view, then add a single flow to populate the integration fields on proofs created in your Ziflow account.

Here’s a quick guide on how to configure this flow:

Before you begin configuring the flow, please ensure you read the internal Ziflow Zibots article. This step is essential, as you need to connect Ziflow as an internal application to update proofs effectively.

Read instructions

Go to Connect -> Applications and then click on the Ziflow application.

image (12).png

Once you click on the connect button, you'll need to name the connection and enter your API key.


Once you’ve added Ziflow as one of your integrated apps, you can begin building the flow to populate the task data into the integration fields on the proof level.


There are two distinct flows that will assign integration properties depending on the configuration of your Ziflow integration flows.

  1. Flow when custom properties (board and item ID) are assigned during proof creation.

  2. Flow when the custom properties (board and item ID) are assigned after a proof creation. custom properties are assigned during proof creation

  1. Add a new flow by selecting Ziflow as the flow application and choose the New Proof/Version type as an event.

  2. Next, please add an Update proof integration property Zibot and fill in the Zibot details. This Zibot aims to set the integration board ID field with data from the Board ID custom property value filled in during the proof creation.

    2024-10-22_12h26_05.gifIn the final dropdown of this Zibot configuration, you'll find a token selector that allows you to choose the proof custom property that stores your board ID.
    image (13).png
  3. Add another Zibot for Updating proof integration properties that will function similarly. This time, we want to populate the custom property Item ID in the integration field.

    2024-10-22_12h33_58.gifIn the final dropdown of the Zibot configuration, you'll find a token selector that allows you to choose the proof custom property that stores your item ID.
    image (14).png
  4. Please name your flow and activate it.

    2024-10-22_12h37_40 (1).gif
  5. You can test the flow by creating a new proof using your existing Zibots/webhook Ziflow - integration. Once the proof is created, the flow should capture the board and item ID from the Properties tab and populate the same values in the integration fields within the Integrations tab.


Once the integration properties are successfully saved at the proof level, the task will be linked to the proof in Ziflow. This lets users view, manage, and create new versions directly from

2024-10-22_13h47_56.gif custom properties are populated after the proof is created

  1. Add a new flow by selecting Ziflow as the flow application and choose the Proof updated type as an event. Make sure to select the custom property option within the event settings.

  2. Please add a path to the flow to check if a Board ID custom property was updated.

    2024-10-29_09h51_46.gifYou can use this JSONata expression, but please remember to update the custom property name to match your board ID property.
    #{$boolean($[name="Board ID"])}#
  3. Please now connect the Update proof integration property to the created path. The Zibot should update the proof with a board ID collected from the custom property field.

    2024-10-29_09h56_05.gifIn the final dropdown of this Zibot configuration, you'll find a token selector that allows you to choose the proof custom property that stores your board ID.
    image (15).png
  4. Add an additional path that mirrors the previous one but operates using the Item ID.

    2024-10-29_09h58_36.gifYou can use this JSONata expression, but please remember to update the custom property name to match your board ID property.
    #{$boolean($[name="Item ID"])}#
  5. Connect the Update proof integration property to the created path. The Zibot should update the proof with an item ID collected from the custom property field.

    2024-10-29_10h01_42.gifIn the final dropdown of the Zibot configuration, you'll find a token selector that allows you to choose the proof custom property that stores your item ID.
    image (16).png
  6. Please name your flow and activate it.

  7. You can test the flow by updating custom properties on a proof. To do this, either manually enter the board/item IDs on a proof or trigger your current integration to populate the property fields. Once the proof is updated, the flow should capture the board and item ID from the Properties tab and populate the same values in the integration fields within the Integrations tab.


If these steps do not fully meet the needs of your current configuration, we’re here to support you. Our team is ready to assist you with any additional guidance or troubleshooting you may require.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Ziflow Support team for help, and we’ll ensure you’re back on track in no time.

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