People: Users & Guests

Mike Salyga
Mike Salyga
  • Updated

Click on the People tab to view all contacts and groups within your Ziflow account. From here, admins can quickly add or delete users and contacts.


All users can create and manage their own groups, but access to edit all groups is limited to admins and managers.


Ziflow people tab overview
  1. Add - this button is used to invite new users and guests into your Ziflow account. Here's an in-depth guide explaining how to do this.


  2. Custom filters - use two different custom filters (role & status) to search for required contacts


  3. Search bar - a quick and efficient way to find contacts/users.


  4. Deafult filters - another quick way to sort users, guests, and groups.


  5. Groups - this allows you to create new groups and manage existing ones. Please see our creating and managing groups article for more details.


  6. Contact list - displays all existing contacts and users. You can apply filters to narrow down your list. If users or contacts need to be edited, please see the article on managing Ziflow contacts.

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