Proof List

Mike Salyga
Mike Salyga
  • Updated

The Proof List is where you will create, manage, and organize your proofs. If you are a user, it will display all the proofs you have created and any proofs to which you have been added as a reviewer. If you are an account admin or manager, you will see all proofs within your Ziflow account.


Overview of Ziflow proofs list dashboard
  1. Create Folder & Proof - essential buttons that allow you to create new proofs and folders.


  2. Views - display different views depending on your preferences. Read more about dashboard filters.


  3. Folders - allow you to organize and manage proofs efficiently.


  4. Proof list - contains all basic information about each proof. There are many actions that a user may perform from this list. To read more, please see this article.



Demo Proofs


The first time you log into your Ziflow account, you'll notice four proofs (PDF, video, Rich Media file, and live website). These "practice proofs" are meant to help you familiarize yourself with the markup tools and features within the Proof Viewer. Click on the thumbnail images to get started.


Discover demo proofs to understand how Ziflow works

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