Ziflow Dashboard

Mike Salyga
Mike Salyga
  • Updated

Once you log in to your Ziflow account, you'll be presented with the Proofs List. From here, click the Create Proof button.

Proceed with the following steps to submit your first proof:

  1. Select assets for review

  2. Brief information

  3. Stage configuration

  4. Proof settings

  5. Summary

1. Select assets for review Top

This is where you upload the files you want to proof.

  1. Simply browse your files or drag and drop them (supported file formats) into the designated field, or...

  2. Upload a web page by entering the URL into the “Review a website” field. You can choose between "Take a snapshot" of a web page or "View live content".

Once files have been uploaded, scroll down to the next step...

2. Brief Top

This section is available on our Standard, Pro, and Enterprise plans. A brief field allows the provision of additional information about the asset. The brief will be available to all invited reviewers in the Ziflow Viewer.


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