Changing Notification Preferences in the Ziflow Viewer

Mike Salyga
Mike Salyga
  • Updated

Summary: Initially, the proof owner sets up the email notification frequencies for reviewers when creating a new proof. Oftentimes, reviewers want to choose their frequency; therefore, each one is given access to change this setting.


Available for: Any reviewer that was invited to the proof.


How does it work?

Inside the Proof Viewer, you will see an envelope icon located in the left toolbar.

Changing notification preferences in the Ziflow Viewer
  1. Click on the envelope to display the notification preferences:

    • All comments and decisions - sends out all the activity notifications immediately.

    • Replies to my comments - send out only notifications related to reviewer comment replies.

    • Decisions - sends out only decision notifications.

    • Final Decision - sends out only a final decision notification for the whole proof.

    • Hourly digest - if you enable Hourly digest for a reviewer, they will get a notification on a full hour as long as there was any activity on that proof. This notification combines all proof of activity in one email.

    • Daily digest - if you enable Daily digest for a reviewer, they will get a notification with all activities during the 24-hour period. This notification combines activity for that day into one email for each proof. Daily digest notifications are scheduled to be sent out at 9:00 am, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

    • None - it blocks all notifications (apart from New proof to review email & @mention notifications).

  2. Choose your setting.


You can also trigger a decision confirmation for yourself when you make a decision on the proof. To receive a decision confirmation, please tick "Send me email confirmation," located below the decision list in the Proof Viewer. The confirmation will be sent only when the decision is made inside the Proof Viewer and not when changed inside the web app.

Send me email confirmation option.

Please note that the digest notifications are not triggered for you by your own decision or comment but only by actions made by different reviewers. If your decision or comment is the only action for the scheduled digest, you will not get a notification about it.


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