Folders in the Ziflow Viewer

Mike Salyga
Mike Salyga
  • Updated

Summary: The possibility of switching proofs within the same folder on a Ziflow Viewer level is a great way of speeding up the review process. You don't need to access the next projects from the Ziflow dashboard, you can quickly open needed assets that are placed in the same folder as the currently viewed proof.


Available for: Folders are available in Standard, Pro, and Enterprise editions.


Where is the feature setup? Folders can be accessed by clicking on the folder icon located in the left sidebar in the Ziflow Viewer.



Openning folders in the Ziflow Viewer



How does it work?



Once you click on the folder icon, you will be presented with a list of proofs located within the same folder as the proof currently opened in Ziflow Viewer.


Switching between proofs in the Ziflow Viewer
  1. Root folder - click on a home/root folder icon if you want to display a top-level folder with all sub-folders & proofs in it.

  2. Folder path - lets you know which folder location you're viewing. You can also use it to go back to the previous folder in the whole folder structure.

  3. Proof folder search - enter a proof name you are looking for to find an asset quickly.

  4. Search type - the above could be combined with this setting so you can search through an opened folder or all folders in your account.

  5. Open proof - click on a proof thumbnail or its name to switch from the currently opened proof to the items selected from the list.

  6. Compare proof - click if you wish to compare the currently opened proof with some other project. Read more about comparing proofs in Ziflow.



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