Creative Collaboration With Google Drive Assets

Mike Salyga
Mike Salyga
  • Updated

With Ziflow, you can review any type of Google Docs.


Uploading Google Doc as a live website in Ziflow

This article outlines how described functionality appears and operates in the old layout. If you are using Dashboard 2.0, please refer to the corresponding article in the Help Center.



Upload Google Doc as Live Content Web Proof


If you want to proof a Google Doc in Ziflow, please make sure that the Share settings on the Google Doc are changed to Anyone with the link and then review it as a View Live Content Proof.


Share setting on a Google Doc to allow reviewers view the filer in Ziflow


Upload Google Doc as Snapshot Web Proof



If you want to proof a Google Doc as a static snapshot, we recommend publishing the document to the web first and then proofing the generated URL.


Publishing Google Doc to the web

Once the document is published, you can enter generated URL to Ziflow
to begin a website snapshot proof.


Unpublish the Google Doc web if needed


If you don't want to leave the Google Doc published, then you can go to the File -> Publish to the web and click on a Stop Publishing button.




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