Understanding Ziflow user Roles and Permissions

Mike Salyga
Mike Salyga
  • Updated

Summary: It is vital to understand the different roles and permissions available in your account. There are four options to choose from:

  • User

  • Billing

  • Admin

  • Manager

You can grant multiple roles to the same user. Only account admins are able to assign roles.

NOTE: The account Owner is automatically assigned to the subscriber. This person will be given all four roles listed in the table. If you need to transfer the Account Owner role, please visit the Help Center article.

If you assign a person User, Billing, Manager & Admin roles, they will effectively have full permissions to match that of the Account Owner.

Please note that the Custom permissions feature in Ziflow allows you to overwrite the default user and manager permissions. When custom permissions are saved, the permission table below can no longer accurately represent the current user permission logic.

Use the table below to determine what roles/permissions you wish to grant your registered users.


User Permission Table






Edit personal profile information

Connect to Cloud Storage or Applications

Purchase or change editions

Upgrade/downgrade the number of users in the system

Manage users (change user roles, edit profiles)

View invited guests/users profiles

View, add and admin all guest contacts, perform actions and bulk actions

Invite & delete users

Invite guests

Edit the branding panel and domain

Configure SSO settings





Access the billing window

View and collect invoices

Edit payment details

Receives all system emails regarding billing and edition upgrades





Create, edit and manage their own proofs

Edit & manage all proofs

Comment if not invited in the proof

View proof details in Ziflow Viewer

See the entire proof workflow

Compare proof versions

Change proof settings: name, folder, owner, settings

Delete proofs and versions (even if not invited in the proof)

Delete and restore other reviewers' comments

Delete and restore own comments

Lock/Unlock proof or versions (even if not invited in the proof)

Add/Edit/ Delete stage

Lock/Unlock stage

Archive/Unarchive proofs

Change other reviewers' decision

Export comments to PDF

Create folders and private folders(*Pro/Business plan or above only)

View, edit, and delete other users private folders

Create and manage own review groups

View, edit, and delete other users review groups

View public comments from the same stage and other stages

View private comments from the same stage

View private comments from other stages

Change own email notification preferences - in Proof Viewer

Download original file - if enabled on proof

View proof custom properties

Add/Edit/Delete custom properties





*Create, edit and manage their own flows (*Business plan or above only)

View other team members' flows

Guest reviewers

  1. They do not have their own Ziflow login and cannot log into the account. Therefore, they cannot access the Ziflow dashboard and its features.

  2. Guests can access, view, review, approve, and share proofs explicitly shared with them (using a URL sent in a Ziflow email). All this can be done directly within the Proof Viewer.


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