How Do I Connect Ziflow With Dropbox Business?

Mike Salyga
Mike Salyga
  • Updated

Summary: Connecting to Dropbox Business allows you to automate workflows using files located in your Dropbox. Once you are connected to Dropbox, you can use our Zibots to create automation flows.


Where is the feature applied? To connect to Dropbox, you need to click on the Connect tab, open the Cloud storage menu, and then click on Connect Cloud Storage before selecting Dropbox Business from the list.

Connecting Ziflow with Dropbox Business


How does it work?

When you click on Dropbox Business, Ziflow will then walk you through the connection process of adding a Dropbox Business account.

Step 1: Enter your Dropbox credentials to enable Ziflow to link your account.

Step 2: Confirm you allow Ziflow to access your Dropbox account.

Allowing Ziflow to access Dropbox Business


Step 3: You will be asked …

  1. If you want to create a new folder just for Ziflow - this folder will be the point from which Ziflow will access your files. Please note that Ziflow can access any subfolders created inside your new folder, but it will not be able to access any files or folders outside of the folder you create.

  2. If you want to point Ziflow to an existing folder inside your Dropbox structure, simply click on “Sync a particular folder,” but again, please note that Ziflow will have access to all files and folders and any subfolders within the folder you choose.

Select folder for cloud storage integration in Ziflow


Step 4: Either …

  1. Type in a new folder name for Ziflow to access.

  2. Navigate to an existing folder.

Selecting folder when configuring Dropbox Business

You're done … you should now see your Dropbox Business account listed inside your Connections area.

Dropbox Business on a cloud storage list

If you desire, you can also rename the Dropbox account to something else inside Ziflow.


Additional information:

  • Now you have added cloud storage to your Ziflow account, you can start using the workflow automation tools. Use the Zibots to build Flows to automate tasks.

  • As shown below, you can also add Dropbox or Google Drive connections while adding a new flow.

Add Dropbox or Google Drive connections while adding a new flow

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