Creating and Managing Groups

Mike Salyga
Mike Salyga
  • Updated

Summary: Easily bring team members together by creating groups of frequently involved team members with predefined roles (view, comment, decision) to accelerate the feedback process.


Any user can create and use groups. The feature is available on all Ziflow editions.



How does it work?



The Group feature can be found under the People tab on the left side of the screen below Contacts filters.


Groups in People tab

Click on the green Add a group button at the top right corner of the screen and fill out the group creation form.


Group configuration screen in Ziflow
  1. Group name - enter a group name for identification.


  2. Make this group private - by checking this option, the group will only be visible to you and account admins + managers.


  3. Group members - type in the name or email address of the user/contact that you want to add to the group. If you would like to add a "guest" (someone that is not listed as a contact in your account), simply enter his/her email address. Once you are done, select the role and email notification frequency for each member.


  4. Add a group - click on a button to complete the set-up.


Managing groups



Easily manage your groups by clicking on the 3 dots to the right of your avatar.


Managing groups in Ziflow
  1. View details - displays all members, their permissions, and email notification settings. This also lets editing the group.


  2. Duplicate group - clones the group with all group members and settings.


  3. Delete group - can only be done by the group creator, admins, or managers.


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