Configuring and Using Workflow Templates

Mike Salyga
Mike Salyga
  • Updated

Summary: Workflow templates can tremendously speed up the review creation process. If you tend to use the same configuration of stages, reviewers, and email notifications, using a workflow template will allow you to populate the fields with just a few clicks.


Available for: Standard, Pro, and Enterprise editions. Ziflow administrators can only create new templates, but all users can access them when creating reviews.



Depending on your Ziflow plan, the number of templates you can activate varies and can be managed in your account settings.

Ziflow Edition

Number of active templates



Standard & Pro





This article outlines the following features:

  1. Where can workflow templates be configured

  2. How to configure & manage Workflow Templates

  3. Using Workflow Templates when creating reviews





Workflow Configuration



Workflow templates can be created in two different places.

  • Under Settings > Proofing Settings > Workflow Templates.

    Adding worfklow template from account settings level in Ziflow


  • Also, from the proof creation screen.


    Adding workflow template from proof creation screen level



How do I create a Workflow Template (account settings level)?


  1. Select a template name. You may assign ownership to any other account administrator.


  2. Add the reviewers, select their permissions & notification preferences, and configure the stages. Visit this article for more details about stage configuration. If your workflow stages require deadlines, please refer to the article explaining the Automated Workflows feature.

  3. Define permissions. You may pick and choose what proof creators can or cannot do.

    Please note:

    When the option to Add stages is disabled in the Workflow Template, users cannot see the Workflow template button on a proof with this Template applied.

    When the option to Remove stages is disabled in the Workflow Template, users cannot replace this Workflow template when applied to the proof.


  4. Click the Create button.




Using Workflow Templates



When creating a new review, simply click the Add Workflow template button to open an alphabetical list of existing templates and select the one you wish to apply. Workflow templates can be adjusted/edited if needed.


Using Workflow Templates when adding a new review

When you have multiple templates in your account, it can be helpful to add the ones you use most often to your favorites list. To do this, simply open the workflow template menu while creating a review and select the star icon next to the templates you want to add to your favorites.


Adding workflow templates to your favorites list


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