Summary: With the color separations feature enabled in your account, reviewers can identify possible print issues by measuring color density. They can quickly ensure that a specific spot has the appropriate density of a specific color or PANTONE® segments.
Available for: Pro, Business Legacy & Enterprise edition only.
How do you enable color separations for your reviewers?
You can find and enable the color separations feature in Settings > Proofing Settings > Proof Viewer > Other settings (Ziflow Viewer Settings)
When the setting is enabled, reviewers who open assets (PDF) inside the Ziflow Viewer will see a new button (Color separation) in the toolbar inside the Viewer.
Switching between color separation channels.
Using this feature is really simple. If our platform identifies color separations in the file, then the Ziflow Viewer will show a Color separation button. Once clicked, it will display a Channel window with all available spot colors. Reviewers can view individual colors or different mixes of color separations.
CMYK will show on every color-separated file, and PANTONE® or other spot color channels - whenever they are available in the file.
Display color density under your cursor.
Another big advantage of this feature is that moving your cursor over the document will show you the color density (percentage-wise) under the cursor placement.
Color separation information on comments.
What is very important is that the Ziflow Viewer also tracks color separations while adding comments to proof. If you leave a comment along with a markup pointing to a specific proof location, the comment will also include information about the color separations visible when the comment was added.
Use color separations while comparing proof versions.
One of the best ways to ensure the reviewed asset meets expectations is by comparing it with previous versions. You can utilize the color separations feature while comparing different versions.
Additional information:
The information related to color separations (selected color channel) on comments is also available inside the comments exported to PDF.
Please note that the color separations feature doesn't work when the spot color contains the following characters
in the name.
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