Summary: The Proof Security Settings allow customers to securely share proofs, not only with users but with guest reviewers as well. This functionality ensures that only designated reviewers can access proofs. After selecting reviewers, determine whether or not they need to authenticate to access the proof.
Where is the feature setup? Proof security settings can be found inside the Settings, under the General tab.
Features listed in this article:
Business Legacy, Pro, and Enterprise edition default Security settings
How does the authentication process work for guest reviewers?
Business Legacy, Pro, and Enterprise default Security Settings
There are 3 or 4 different security settings depending on your Ziflow edition. Pro and Business Legacy editions allow you to choose from 3 different settings, and Enterprise has one additional setting.
Ziflow admins manage these settings. The admins can choose a default and decide whether or not they want proof creators to have access to change this setting. If the admin sets no default, proof creators may decide which setting should be applied.
Users & Guests (Authentication not required) - users and guests may access proofs but they don't need to authenticate.
Users & Guests (Authentication required) - Enterprise edition - users and guests may access proofs, but they need to authenticate before opening the proof.
Users only (Authentication not required) - only users can access proofs, but authentication is not required.
Users (Authentication required) - only users may access proofs, but they must provide their password before accessing the proof.
Additionally, Ziflow admins can set how often a guest reviewer needs to authenticate on each device. This setting is located in the same place as proof security settings.
How does guest authentication work?
A verification request will be shown when a guest reviewer tries to access proof that requires authentication.
The guest will receive an email containing a verification code. Once that code is successfully confirmed, the reviewer can access the proof.
Additional information:
The verification code expires after 15 minutes, but guests can request a new token be emailed.
After a guest is authenticated, his/her session will remain for the time that was set by the admin (once every 1 hour, once every 24 hours, once every 7 days).
Please note: the number of guest authentications in your Ziflow account is limited. Each user license has 25 guest authentications per month. Please check our pricing page for more details.
Security settings on the Standard edition
On the Standard edition, account administrators can set two types of default-proof security settings for their teams.
Users & Guests (Authentication not required) - users and guests may access proofs but don't need to authenticate.
Users only (Authentication not required) - only users can access proofs, but authentication is not required.
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