Common Issues When Working With Documents & Static Files in Ziflow

Mike Salyga
Mike Salyga
  • Updated

This article outlines recommended fixes and tricks if you encounter any of the following issues while working in Ziflow:

  1. Proofing password-protected files

  2. PDF proof color change due to overprint & knockout settings used in the file

  3. PDF proof color change due to different blending space types used in a file

  4. Rich Media file fails when uploaded into Ziflow

  5. PDF proof fails due to file security settings

  6. The fonts used in my document look different in Ziflow

  7. PDF proof fails due to too large dimensions


Proofing password protected files



If you're trying to upload an asset but it fails with an unknown error, it's possible that the asset is password protected.




PDF proof color change due to overprint & knockout settings used in the file.


When converting the file to a proof in Ziflow, we retain overprint, knockout, and color profiles. If the colors in your proof differ from the colors visible in your original pdf, please check if this could be an overprint issue:


Where to find overprint option in Adobe

When creating the proof, we retain the overprint and knockout settings from the input file similar as to if that file is being printed.


There are 2 options to resolve the problem:

  1. If the designer of the original fixes this, the file will process correctly and the colors will match;


  2. We can disable the application of overprint and knockout on your Ziflow account, so it ignores overprint file settings.



PDF proof color change due to different blending space types used in a file.


If you notice any issues with the coloring in your PDF proof, this may be because the tool we use for PDF rasterization uses CMYK as a blending space by default. If you’d like to change it to RGB in your account, please send us a request at


Rich Media file fails when uploaded into Ziflow



Rich Media proofs can only be created by uploading a ZIP file. This ZIP file has to contain an HTML file and other files referenced by the HTML file. If you include only JPG files or only a video file in your ZIP folder, the proof will fail.


The logic Ziflow uses to find the "starting" file is as follows:

  1. Look for the index.html file and use that.


  2. Look for another HTML file if the index.html is not present.



PDF proof fails due to file security settings



Check if all security settings on the PDF are set to allowed (Right-click → Document Properties → Security), as shown in the below screenshot:


Check if all PDF security settings are set to allowed to upload file to Ziflow

Please note that the files need to be opened in Acrobat Pro to review all settings properly, as the plain Adobe Reader will show some settings as Not allowed, while they have actually been set up ok.


Fonts used in my document look different in Ziflow



All non-standard, custom fonts must be embedded in the file to process them properly.


PDF proof fails due to too large dimensions



Please note that the maximum horizontal or vertical size for PDFs is 200 inches. You can check page size (Right-click → Document Properties → Description), as shown in the below screenshot:


Where to check PDFs horizontal and vertical size




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