Share Proofs for Review Directly From Asana

Mike Salyga
Mike Salyga
  • Updated

Summary: With our newest Asana app integration, users can start pushing proofs to Ziflow directly within Asana tasks. This integration allows the creation of proofs from a task level or linking an Asana task with an already existing proof.

This article outlines how described functionality appears and operates in the old layout. If you are using Dashboard 2.0, please refer to the corresponding article in the Help Center.

Available on: Pro & Enterprise editions.


Follow the instructions on how to:


How to connect Asana with Ziflow



As a first step when setting up the integration, you will need to install the Ziflow App to let Ziflow connect with your Asana project. You can start by adding a Ziflow app to your Asana project.


Click on a Customize button in the upper right corner of your Asana project and select the Apps menu.


Selecting marketplace under Asana task

Find Ziflow in the Asana marketplace app directory.


Ziflow listed in Asana marketplace

When Ziflow is selected, you'll be asked to add it to your project.


Ziflow app in Asana

In the following step, please press on the Connect to Ziflow button.


Connecting Ziflow with Asana

Sign in with your email address to the Ziflow platform.


Sign in to Ziflow

If you're using multiple tenants, please select the one which you want to be connected to Asana.


Select tenant while connecting with Asana

If you successfully connected Ziflow to Asana, you should get a confirmation message about that event.


Confirmation screen after connecting Ziflow with Asana

With the connection established, you can now start creating proofs directly from your Asana tasks.





How to start submitting proofs from the Asana task?


First of all, please make sure to have some files/attachments in the Asana task. In order to create a proof from a task level, it needs to contain at least one file, which will become a proof asset in Ziflow.


Uploading attachments to Asana task

In the next step, you can open task details and find a new Ziflow field. When you click on it, it will give you two options:

  • Create proof

  • Attach proof

Please select the first option to create a proof. This will open a new window where you'll need to specify a proof name and select which files/attachments will become a proof assets.


Creating proof out of Asana task

When you click the Submit button, the proof will upload to Ziflow. You'll also see proof details and its' status inside Asana task details.


Proof details in Asana task

By clicking on a proof menu in the upper right corner, you'll see three options:


Proof actions in Asana task
  1. View in Ziflow - open a proof details page of the proof in Ziflow.

  2. Copy link - copy a proof URL if you want to share it with someone else. Someone opening the proof needs to be a Ziflow user with proof access.

  3. Remove from task - unlinks created proof from the Asana task.



How to link an existing proof to the Asana task?


If you want to link an already existing proof in Ziflow with an Asana task, please select the Attach proof option from the Ziflow action field.


This will open a dropdown listing 20 proofs with the most recent activity. You can pick proof that you want to link with the task from the list or paste a public URL from the Proof Details page.


Linking Ziflow proof with Asana task

Alternatively, you can also use this field and search for required proof by typing in and selecting its name.


Search proofs in Asana


Once the proof is selected, you'll see Proof Details under the Ziflow tab in your Asana task.


Proof details in Asana task



Additional information:

  • Currently, in Asana, you cannot control how the proof will look on the Ziflow side. This is because proofs are created with a single reviewer (proof owner) and empty proof settings. You can, however edit the proof afterward and adjust it according to what you need. Simply open the Proof Details Page, add reviewers & edit needed settings.


    Edit proof in Ziflow


  • Another way of updating proofs according to your needs is utilizing our Zibots and updating proofs automatically after they're created by Asana-Ziflow integration. Start by creating a flow that will be triggered based on proof creation where the proof source is Asana.

    Create a flow triggered by proofs originated from Asana

    Then, you can set a flow that automatically updates the proof workflow template in proofs created with the integration.

    Update proof workflow template using Flow
  • We support only creating new proofs. So, right now, there is no possibility of adding new proof versions.


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