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Transcode File to Video Zibot (Connect 2.0)

Transcode your videos to different output formats: Mobile, Standard Web, Mid Web, HD720p, or Full HD 1080p.

Updated over a week ago

Summary: This Zibot will automatically transcode video files uploaded within your Google Drive or Dropbox folder into the selected output format. The Transcode Video Zibot can be used in a single flow or as part of a multi-step flow.

Available on: Pro and Enterprise Ziflow editions.

Where is the feature setup? The Transcode Video Zibot can be applied inside the Zibot step when creating or amending a flow. Ziflow is able to automatically transcode uploaded video files based on your cloud storage events.

Follow the instructions :

Transcode Video Event configuration

Before you create your first automation, you'll need to connect your Google Drive/Dropbox personal/Dropbox Businesses. Start by entering the Connect tab and pressing a Create flow button located in the upper right corner of the dashboard. Name your flow (eg. Send email notification about each PDF file being uploaded to Google Drive) and select a previously added cloud storage connection. Alternatively, you can add a new cloud connection from this page as well.

Send Email Zibot Event configuration

Next, select the type of event that is going to trigger the automation:

Drobox Zibot event settings

There are four types of events (4th one which is New folder is created is dedicated for other Zibots):

  1. File is added to a folder - select this event if you want to notify about files being uploaded to the storage.

  2. File is modified - select this event if you want to notify about files that are being modified (eg. name is changed).

  3. File is deleted - select this event if you want to notify about files that are removed from the storage.

  4. New folder is created - select this event if you want to notify about folder being created in the storage.

Let's now Set up details for your event. Please see "Understanding event settings" for more information.

Dropbox event configuration details

The above settings let you narrow down files that will trigger the automation later on. You can decide which files, uploaded where, and by whom will trigger later actions. Once you're done with adjusting the trigger settings, click the Next button and proceed with the Zibot configuration.

Transcode Video Zibot Configuration

You'll be presented with a list of available Zibots, select the Transcode Video option.

Transcode Video Zibot

When you select the Transcode Video action as part of your flow, you will see the following window.

Transcode Video Zibot Configuration

  1. Source file - Ziflow is asking what the input file will be ie. the file you want to be converted into a different video format. You have two options.

    File that triggered this flow - this means a file that is moved/changed or created in a certain location is the source file.

    File that is the result of the previous action - this option will become available if you have set up a multi-stage flow. It is basically asking if the input file will be coming from a previous action in the flow.

  2. Output format - What format do you want the Video Zibot to output? Choose from: Mobile, Standard Web, Mid Web, HD720p or Full HD 1080p.

  3. Target folder - The Image Zibot is asking you where to put the video/s that it creates. You can browse to the area on your cloud storage where you want the video/s to be delivered.

    If you are using a multi-step flow the Output folder from previous Zibot will display and if selected the Video Zibot will use the same output folder as the previous Zibot in the flow.

Transcode Settings

We are sometimes asked for a breakdown of the different settings so that the user is confident in picking the correct option. We will break out all the settings below.

The options we present in our interface are the most commonly requested formats. If you require a different video output then please do contact our support department and we will do our best to help.


Width = 480

Height = 320

Audio-bitrate = 128

Audio-sample-rate = 44100

Max-video-bitrate = 1500

Max-frame-rate = 30

Standard Web:


Width = 640

Height = 360

Audio-bitrate = 96

Max-video-bitrate = 1200

H264-Profile = MAIN

H264-video-codec = H264

Key-frame-rate = 2

Audio-codec = AAC

Max-frame-rate = 30

Mid Web:

Width = 960

Height = 540

Max-video-bitrate = 1500

H264-Profile = MAIN

H264-video-codec = H264

Key-frame-rate = 2

Audio-codec = AAC

Max-frame-rate = 30

HD 720p:

Width = 1280

Height = 720

Audio-bitrate = 128

Max-video-bitrate = 4000

H264-Profile = MAIN

H264-video-codec = H264

Key-frame-rate = 2

Audio-codec = AAC

Max-frame-rate = 30

Full HD 1080p:

Width = 1920

Height = 1080

Audio-bitrate = 192

Max-video-bitrate = 8000

H264-Profile = HIGH

H264-video-codec = H264

Key-frame-rate = 2

Audio-codec = AAC

Audio-channel = STEREO

Max-frame-rate = 30

Additional Information:

  • The Video Zibot cannot be the first Zibot in a flow if your trigger event is “a new folder is created in a folder” (because the Zibot cannot make a Video of a folder).

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